Monday, July 11, 2011

Hoping 'Deathly Hallows' is worth the wait

I didn't become a Harry Potter fan until this year. I have to thank my son for that.

I've seen the movies, and they've been enjoyable. I particularly liked the first and third ones. But if it weren't for AR (Accelerated Reader) points and the desire to help my son with reading strategies, I would have never cracked the books. AR is a program to promote reading comprehension and was part of my son's Language Arts grade.

Why would I care for a boy wizard who escaped a death curse by a power-hungry, dark wizard who seeks purity in magical families? But after my son did poorly on his first test, I decided to read J.K. Rowling's books only to help my son focus on its details. And I was hooked.

Despite altered story lines in the movies, I've enjoyed re-watching the films - some more than others. I'm hoping the final fight scene doesn't drag out too much, but my guess is it will. Gotta keep those who haven't read the book glued to the visual effects, right? Here's hoping Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 will do justice to the mesmerizing story of Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore. Can't wait to find out.

Making time for "Horrible Bosses"

I've had my share of Ally McBeal moments. You know, when you fantasize about something totally crazy just to make an insane situation bearable. I've had a few surreal thoughts about work, too. Who hasn't? 

So of course I was curious to see "Horrible Bosses," starring Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis. It's one of those comedies that is totally unrealistic and crazy, but it's done well so you won't be thinking you wasted your time or money (unlike "Bad Teacher," which had me thinking I could have waited for the DVD and watched while cleaning house). I'm giving "Horrible Bosses" a thumbs up - a solid B. It works as a date-night movie - at the theater or eventually (for the more budget-minded) on DVD. Ladies, your guy will laugh and he won't complain about seeing Jennifer Aniston, either. You'll have fun, too, even if this is definitely male fantasy.

My husband points out that I generally love any movie with Jason Bateman. True. But I also loved Jennifer Aniston for the first time since "The Good Girl." Love her being bad. And Charlie Day ("It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") cracked me up as the whiny sexually harassed friend. Gotta remember to catch that show. Surprisingly, I was not annoyed by Jamie Foxx, who plays a murder consultant of sorts.

Essentially the movie is the story of three friends who joke around about murdering their annoying, horrible bosses who keep them from enjoying their jobs. One is a sexual predator, another is a philandering oaf and the last is a psychopath. And of course, nothing goes as planned. Obviously you have to suspend reality to enjoy the laughs because the story is just so unbelievable.

I laughed often while watching this totally insane movie, and it's been hard making me laugh lately. While this movie isn't as well done as "Bridesmaids," which that had me laughing so hard I cried, I found it fun.

"Horrible Bosses" (also starring Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell) earns its R rating for explicit language and adult situations. Don't bring the kids, as it'll annoy everyone in the theater. You're better off with a sitter or sending your children to the in-theater daycare. Besides, do you really want to answer a ton of embarrassing questions? Or want to blush while your kids see some explicit & crazy scenes? I say no.
