Sunday, June 3, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

This is not the happy Disney version of Snow White. It's a much darker story what will at times remind you of the Tom Cruise movie Legend, as well as Excalibur. The acting is uneven, but Charlize Theron puts on a good performance as the Evil Queen Ravenna. Kristen Stewart, as Snow White, shows she can do a better job acting than in Twilight, but only at times. The film may be too intense for younger audiences. Among the more intense scenes: A character is seen eating the insides of animals and digging nails into another character's heart, lots of sword violence, characters are in peril in the dark forest, a troll tries killing some characters, etc. Women are drained of their youth and beauty, so some of the kingdom's women purposely scar themselves to avoid that fate. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence and brief sensuality. Grade: B.

The trailer:

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