Monday, November 14, 2011

Am I ready for my tween to see final Twilight chapter?

My daughter LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the Twilight series. She's not read the books, well, except the first half of book one. She's in love with the idea of true love. So she loves cheering on the romance between regular girl Bella and vampire Edward. I get it. I remember dreaming of how beautiful and romantic true love would be. Reality is another story.

She is 11 1/2 and in sixth grade. I know she likes boys but won't admit it exactly. We've had many chats about boys, everyone with at least one eye roll from my daughter. She knows that I find Bella to be quite a weak female character. I think she felt I was lecturing too much about "New Moon." I was seriously disappointed in Bella's character, proclaiming each time I could, "Don't ever think it's the end of the world if a boy leaves you!" and "Few people end up with their high school sweetheart." But I do like one thing about Bella. She remains chaste until she marries, largely because Edward is old school.

I've read all the books, and I know the series isn't graphic. There is sexual tension and release, but it's far, far from explicit. Still, the final Twilight book is filled with mature content. And I'm curious how Hollywood will feature this unusual couple's marriage consummation, pregnancy and life together.

My daughter knows that I prefer to preview "Breaking Dawn Part 1" without her. She's pleading to see it together and talk about it after. At least she expects a talk!

I'm trying to figure out how to have that talk and whether I give in to her request. She has seen plenty of PG-13 movies, which have lead to healthy discussions. Why does she have to grow up so fast?

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