Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking Dawn: What you should know

I decided to take my daughter to see "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1." This chapter of the story focuses on Edward and Bella's marriage and subsequent pregnancy.
Early on, I started second-guessing my decision. There are a few bloody scenes, more intense than in past films. And, of course, there's that sex scene now that the main characters are on their honeymoon. It's definitely iffy for Twilight-smitten tweens, who will beg you to see it. Mine did and I gave in. I don't regret it, but we have a very open communication line.

We talked about the scenes. My daughter said she thought they could have cut out some of the bedroom scene and blood. She's at that age where I know she's curious, but still embarrassed. She then started asking how Hollywood decides to film scenes and how covered the actors are in sexy situation. Oh my!

The overall movie is weak. But I doubt that will keep tweens, teens or moms who love the story away. This movie made me laugh out loud when I'm sure it wasn't intended. All I'll say is a wolf scene is quite silly. I've not been a fan of the films, though I think the acting and production value has improved. My grade is a D+. I think I may have given it a C- if I had a martini in hand. Is that bad? My daughter gave it a C. She thinks it would have been better if the bedroom scene was cut a bit more (she was ready to cover her eyes but didn't) and if there was less blood.

I personally wouldn't take anyone younger than 11 to this film, and that's only if you regularly talk about love, sex and Hollywood fantasy. Maturity is a must. I really think this is a PG-13 movie, but only you can decide what is best for your kids.

Here's what you need to know:

-Early on a main character has a disturbing dream where friends and family are in a bloody pile.

-The film has more skin than all others. Yes, Jake takes his shirt off. But you see a lot of Bella and Edward. I didn't notice any private parts, but the parts you see (backs, legs, stomach) are in sexy situations. There's a lot of romantic kissing.

-Bella gets very ill when pregnant, looking quite emaciated and gaunt. She's scary. She decides, despite warnings to end the pregnancy, that it's best to keep it.

-Tons of blood is shown. Bella sips on it to appease the baby. The birth scene is gory.

-Some violence, but there isn't so much fighting/biting in this one as in Eclipse. Some flashbacks show characters hurting others.

-Language was minimal. I've heard worse from kids at parks.

The movie is PG-13 for disturbing images, violence, sexuality/partial nudity and some thematic elements.


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