Friday, April 27, 2012

A very British 'Pirate' adventure

I like dry humor. That's why I was quite delighted that my kids wanted to see the newly released animated film The Pirates! Band of Misfits.

The movie was solidly funny, that is if you like British humor. If you don't, it can still be entertaining but not as fun to watch.

This comedy features a band of pirates who aren't that great at pillaging, looting, drinking and all those other typical pirate activities. But they do enjoy "Ham Night" and loving on their overly plump parrot, who turns out to be a dodo bird. Turns out the bird is a key to the silly, dramatic action-filled adventure the pirates will take involving Charles Darwin and a scientific contest that guarantees the winner many riches.

Despite his pirate shortcomings, Pirate Captain (voiced by Hugh Grant) is set on entering and winning Pirate of the Year. As he enters, thinking he has a shot, three others — Cutlass Liz (Salma Hayek), Black Belamy (Jeremy Piven) and Peg Leg Hastings (Lenny Henry) — show him up in with flashy entrances and huge treasures. He's defeated and tries to hide his interest in entering. But he's found out and laughed at. Captain tries to save face by raiding a number of ships. All are funny, but they don't land him the riches he needs to pirate up. Then he meets Charles Darwin, who recognizes Captains parrot is the only living dodo bird. Darwin wants to win a scientific contest and cunningly convinces Captain to take the bird to London. Oh, there are missteps and a hilarious monkey who speaks with cards. And then there's Queen Victoria, who hates pirates and loves rare animals. She has her eyes on the bird. You'll have to watch to see what happens.

The film, while funny, touches on friendship, fame and money. Would you give up someone you love for fame and fortune? How far would you go to make a name for yourself? It's a good conversation for the ride home.

It's rated PG for mild action, rude humor and language. Honestly, I can't remember any real bad words. There is some humor aimed at parents, and best of all, it features a Flight of the Conchords song. So proud of my daughter for recognizing it. My rating: B.

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